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Besoin d’un peu d’inspiration?
Your Guide To Scent Layering
Find a new channel for your self-expression with a scent that's uniquely yours. Adapt a favourite fragrance to complement your occasion, mood or the season with Scent Layering. Start with a spritz of your chosen base cologne and layer with one of our suggested combiners to warm, freshen or uplift the scent.
Start With What You Know
In other words, a cologne you’re already familiar with. Think of how you’d define it and how you want to enhance it. Is it a woody fragrance you want to uplift or a floral scent you want to warm?
Enhance Your Scent
Next, pair your chosen fragrance with one of our suggested combiners: Grapefruit, Peony & Blush Suede or English Oak & Hazelnut cologne.
Scent Layering Duos
Our suggested combiners paired with another iconic scent in duos that start your Scent Layering journey.
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It
See how others are embracing this Scent Layering philosophy with our fragrances that are made to combine.