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Besoin d’un peu d’inspiration?
Parfumez votre maison. Le design sobre et épuré de notre diffuseur est élégamment couronné de 10 rotins. Un accessoire pour la maison intemporel qui continuera d’agrémenter l’espace grâce à son odeur.
All our Oil Reed Room Diffusers include 10 rattan reeds to release scent continuously for approximately 3-4 months. Our Townhouse Diffusers also come with 10 rattan reeds to provide constant scent for approx. 4 months. For optimum effect and usage, we recommend using all 10 reeds simultaneously and turn the sticks every so often.
Yes, all our home diffusers come with 10 rattan reeds. For optimum effect and usage, we recommend using all 10 reeds simultaneously and turn the sticks every so often.
Diffuser refills are only available for the Townhouse Diffusers. These additional refills are sold separately and come with a new set of 10 rattan reeds. For optimal diffusion and usage, we recommend changing them after 4 months.
With its always-on scent, a diffuser is the ultimate scene-setter, creating a sophisticated atmosphere from the moment you enter a room.
Each room requires the right scent(s) to create the right ambience for the space and its use. Jo Malone London diffusers are best placed in hallways, like a warming hug that greets you when you first walk in; in living rooms to create a feeling of coziness and relaxing atmosphere that’s ideal for entertaining; in offices, to help motivate you; or in bedrooms to create a peaceful sanctuary suitable for dreams and escapism.
Bear in mind that the number of diffusers you use can alter the intensity of the aroma. For larger rooms, try layering your scents by adding diffusers in different fragrances to create a unique ambience.
We recommend that you place our diffusers on a flat and hard surface and avoid placing them in a cluttered area, close to a heat source, and keep them out of reach of children and animals.